Category Archive: Cleat

Oct 18

Stainless Steel Boat Cleats as Drawer Pulls

Here's a great idea for an inexpensive home improvement idea on a nautical theme. Try using Boat Cleats for drawer pulls.   Here is a great article on how to use Nautical Boat Cleats for hardware and hooks. Try Suncor Stainless for a full line of Nautical hardware.         

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Jun 08

Why do boat cleats have different bolt patterns?

Question: Why do boat cleats have different bolt patterns? Answer: The bolt pattern on cleats has to do with the size and assumed work load that will be displaced on the cleat. Blue water cleats are heavier duty and have a wider base that allows for stronger mounting.  

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May 07

Selecting a cleat size for your boat.

There is no standard Cleat size per boat size because cleats can be used for different things, but as a general rule of thumb you should gauge by the amount of force you will have on the cleat and the use. For example, are you Towing with the Cleat or just tying to a dock? …

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